Executive Director Bill Hancock Discusses College Football Playoff

Although nothing is imminent, College Football Playoff executive director Bill Hancock explained how the criteria for playoff expansion hasn’t changed on Sportscene with Steve Russell. “What’s best for the student-athletes, what’s best for the regular season as a whole, . . . and what’s best for the game as a whole,” Hancock said. “When time comes to talk more specifically about the future, I know those things will come up.”

Since the College Football Playoff was established in 2012, fans have complained annually about the selection committee allowing less-qualified teams in over others. Hancock explains, however, how expanding the playoff wouldn’t completely solve this issue. As more teams are eligible to qualify, the argument over the last few spots exponentially expands, making it that much harder on the committee. “Anytime you lose or you don’t get what you want, what you’re supposed to say is it wasn’t fair,” Hancock said. “That goes with sports, that’s just part of it.”

Ultimately, given the uncertainties of completing the 2020 season, Hancock called complaints about the playoff selection “a very good problem to have.”

Many critics argue that the committee favors television ratings too much in determining the playoff teams. But while ratings do in fact play a role in the playoff selection, Hancock claims it is limited to just one of their considerations. “Viewership is important to us, but it’s just one of many things that are important as far as how everybody views the CFP,” Hancock said.

Despite the increasing number of bowl games, Hancock is not concerned for the sport.  “There are schools for whom a bowl game is routine, . . . but there are other schools who are thrilled to have a bowl opportunity, so you have to look at both ends of the spectrum,” he said.

About Griffin Foll

Hi, my name is Griffin Foll and I am currently a senior at UF studying journalism with a focus on sports and media and an outside concentration in political science. In addition to covering the 2023 UF men's and women's golf beats, I contribute weekly web and radio content for WRUF ESPN Gainesville. Be sure to check out some of my recent articles!

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