Beat The Pros (*ESPN) – 9/1 – 1/1 – Sponsored by WingStop

Play along with the hosts of ESPN Gainesville: Pat Dooley, Tom Collett, Jeff Cardozo, Adam Schick and Steve Russell in ESPN Gainesville’s weekly “Beat The Pros” contest!

ESPN Gainesville WRUF invites listeners to face off against hosts for chances to “beat the pros” and win the weekly prize.

Beat The Pros is an engaging promotion that combines weekend events into the weekday discussion, which intrigues and interacts with both the on-air and online audiences.

The Beat The Pros promotion includes recorded promos, live mentions along with online support including a website contesting page, sponsored graphics and social media posts.

ESPN Gainesville 95.3FM to provide:

(20) Recorded promos Mon- Sun /wk

(20) Live mentions Mon-Fri min/ wk

(3) Social media posts

(1) Contesting page at

(1) Eblast inclusion/ wk

Client to provide:

*Weekly prize valued at ~$50

Grand Prize